
"I empower people to share their gifts with the world 
 - Frans Francis


How To CREATE and SELL Your Course or Coaching Programs!

Download for free my 9 STEPS MASTERPLAN to create and sell your courses or coaching program without stress or tech overwhelm!

"I empower people to share their gifts with the world "
- Frans Francis


✔ Ricevi un VIDEO + REPORT GRATUITO per evolverti nell'area della vita selezionata.
Possibilità di fare un SESSIONE STRATEGICA con me.

Frans and his clients have been on:

"Business Shaman" Empowering Leaders to Harmonize Commerce and Prosperity with Happiness and Fulfillment


Frans Francis is a unique and brilliant Business Coach who has over 12 years of experience in online marketing and business.

He has worked with a wide range of clients, from freelancers to large companies with 7 and 8-figure revenues, offering high-level consultancy and tangible results. With his assistance, numerous clients worldwide have built successful businesses from scratch, achieving 6-figure and beyond revenue figures.

Frans is an empathic and sensitive person who is also an amazing strategist, making him a bit of a genius in his field. He is a great teacher who can take complex concepts and explain them easily, and he has extensive knowledge of holistic disciplines like tantra, spirituality, meditation, health, fitness, personality theories, energy healing, shamanism, and more.

Frans has created his own integrated methodology called Soul Business Coaching, which combines all of his skills and experiences to help clients achieve success in their personal and professional lives.

Un' esperienza pre-morte ha cambiato per sempre la mia vita: mi sono ricordato di essere stato in molte vite uno Sciamano del Sole, un ponte di connessione fra l'umano e il divino.

In questa vita nell'Era di Acquario, epoca della  grande sintesi, pratico e condivido 
arti antiche strategie moderne per integrare al meglio una vita tra la materia e lo spirito.

Aiuto le persone ad evolversi, a riconnettersi con la propria Luce (Anima) e a creare una vita di
salute, prosperità e felicità per se stesse e per il mondo.

As children, many people dream to change the world, but when they grow up the world starts to change them. Well, maybe I have never grown up! I still look at the world with the eyes of a child. I look at you with the eyes of a child and I see that there is a gift within you and the world needs it. I am here to help you express what is in your heart. I can help you to discover your passion, create or grow your business and share your gifts with the world.

  TrustPilot Verified Reviews

How Can I Help You?

Between Matter and Spirit, I can Help you To Share Your Gift With the World!

I have over 12 years of experience as a life and business coach in the field of personal and professional growth. I believe in a holistic and integrated approach to life and business, and I can assist you in 4 main areas of your life:

Create and expand YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS

Discover your PASSION and PURPOSE in life


Create your FINANCIAL FREEDOM (Investments)

Discover your passions and your soul's gifts.

Transform your passions into a profession and bring your gift into the world!

Invest in yourself and create true prosperity

Learn how to create a prosperous business and invest in yourself.

Create the business of your dreams.

Attract the right clients for you and create or grow your conscious business.

Heal inner traumas and blocks.

Free yourself from fears, traumas, past wounds, and dysfunctional habits.

Discover your strategy for success

Learn to make the right choices that will lead you to happiness and success.

Master your sexuality

Channel your sexual energy into health, creativity, and purpose.

Make a difference in the lives of others.

Integrate and fulfill your professional and spiritual mission

Ciao mi chiamo Frans! Ho oltre 12 anni di esperienza full-time nel campo della crescita personale, delle discipline olistico/spirituali e del business consapevole.

Ho lavorato con tantissime persone in tutto il mondo, dai mistici ai milionari, dagli imprenditori agli sciamani alle persone "comuni" con un dono da portare nel mondo...

Sono il creatore di Soul Business Coaching, é un programma di Business Coaching Olistico. Un modello integrato per Creare Influenza, Ricchezza e Fare la Differenza, in maniera autentica allineato alla tua vera essenza.

Iscriviti su Youtube

Iscriviti al canale Youtube di Frans e clicca sulla campanella per ricevere video gratuiti per trasformare ogni area della tua vita:


Lascia anche un "Mi piace" sulla mia Pagina Internazione di Facebook (dove posto in sia in inglese che in italiano) per assicurarti di stare aggiornato e non perderti niente:

Seguimi su Facebook
Seguimi su Instagram

Se vuoi conoscermi più personalmente seguimi sul mio profilo instagram (inglese e italiano) per seguire le mie avventure in giro per il mondo:

Connettiti con Frans

Alcuni Numeri su Frans

I numeri non sono tutto. E' il cuore che fa la differenza, ma se ti interessano i fatti eccoli qui:


Minuti di Watchtime su Youtube


I Paesi Dove ho Insegnato e Tenuto Corsi


e Studenti nel mondo


Anni di Esperienza
(in questa vita)

In cosa posso aiutarti? Nei miei 10 anni di esperienza lavorando con centinaia di persone con diversi background, da tutte le parti del mondo, e studiando con i migliori maestri ho sviluppato competenze che posso mettere al tuo servizio in 7 aree principali:

Coaching e Mentoring

""We are earth people on a spiritual journey to the stars. Our quest, our earth walk, is to look within, to know who we are, to see that we are connected to all things, that there is no separation, only in the mind."
Lakota Seer

Do You Struggle To Live an Integrated Life Between Matter and Spirit?

I am a soul business mentor who likes to live a very integrated life between matter and spirit. I believed in a very grounded and balanced approach to spirituality. As the ancient greek sage wrote:

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…” ― Hermes Trismegistus

You are here for a reason.

There is a gift within you and the world needs it.
Are you ready to be of greater service?

Enhance Your Intuition

Make better decisions in every area of your life.

Live In The Flow

Operate from the joy of being instead of the struggle of doing.

Expand Your Consciousness

Heal yourself from fears, traumas and past hurts.

Manifest Abundance

Create Passion and Prosperity in every aspect of your life.

Raise Your Frequency

Unlock your hidden gifts and powers.

Experience Oneness

Receive guidance from an Higher Source.

Create Your Reality

Manifest luck and synchronicities in your daily life.

And Much More

Everyone experience the Symphony Of Being and the connection with the Divine in his own way.

In cosa posso aiutarti? Nei miei 10 anni di esperienza lavorando con centinaia di persone con diversi background, da tutte le parti del mondo, e studiando con i migliori maestri ho sviluppato competenze che posso mettere al tuo servizio in 7 aree principali:

Coaching con Frans

Scopri conoscenze antiche e strategie moderne per creare felicità e prosperità in tutte le aree della tua vita
in equilibro tra il mondo spirituale e materiale:


Ciao, sono Frans!
Connettiti con l'Anima
Scopri il Tuo Scopo
Condividi i tuoi Doni
Crea Abbondanza e Prosperità
 Domina l'Energia Sessuale

E molto altro...

Alcuni dei miei studenti sono stati su:

Connettiti con la Tua Anima e Accelera la Tua Evoluzione
in Tutte le Aree della Tua Vita:

"Pratico e condivido antiche arti spirituali e moderne strategie pratiche per evolversi e creare una vita di prosperità e felicità"

Ciao, sono Frans!
Connettiti con la Tua Anima e Accelera la Tua Evoluzione
in Tutte le Aree della Tua Vita:

"Pratico e condivido arti antiche e strategie moderne per evolversi creare una vita di prosperità e felicità in equilibrio tra materia e spirito"

Ciao, sono Frans!

"Pratico e condivido arti antiche e strategie moderne per evolversi e creare una vita di prosperità e felicità in equilibrio tra materia e spirito"

QUAL'E IL TUO ANIMALE GUIDA?Fai il mio test dell'animale guida e scopri quale e il suo messaggio per te...

Quale Area della Tua Vita Ha Più Bisogno di Evolvere?

Fai il mio "Test dei 5 Cristalli" e scoprilo  in 108 secondi!

✔ Ricevi un VIDEO + REPORT GRATUITO per evolverti nell'area della vita selezionata.
Possibilità di fare un SESSIONE STRATEGICA con me.


Clicca qui per iniziare il test!

"Aiuto le persone a creare una vita di prosperità e felicità e                ad evolversi in equilibrio tra materia e spirito"
  - Frans Francis


Create Influence, Impact and Income in a Truly Meaningful and Aligned Way, Integrating and Relizing Your Highest Spiritual and Business Aspirations.

Frans Francis's signature program, Soul Business Coaching™, is an integrated model that bridges business and spirituality, guiding you to share your truest gift with the world.

A a state of the art synthesis of over 12 years of experience working hundreds of people from every walk of life, 
from multi-millionaires and solo-preneurs to mystics and shamans.

What is Self ACtualization?

You are here for a reason.

There is a gift within you and the world needs it.
Are you ready to be of greater service?

There’s a powerful impulse awakening within you and many other around the world. It’s a deep inner yearning to be of greater service and become all that you are capable of being in this life.

I do not know exactly where we are going with this group but I trust I am guided, I trust we are guided and we can do great things together.

Martin Luther King said:
"Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step"

So this is what I am doing. Taking the first step. Would you like to walk with me?

Are You Following Your Higher Calling?

IMPACT: Make The World A Better Place

THE BIGGEST GIFT IN LIFE IS THE ABILITY TO GIVE. Life is a gift. We received this gift by Life and now we have an amazing opportunity: to give It something back.

INFLUENCE: Share Your Unique Gifts & Talents

THERE IS A GIFT WITHIN YOU AND THE WORLD NEEDS IT It is your right and your duty to express what is in your heart. You are here for a reason. Are you ready to shine?

INCOME: Prospering Doing What We Love

PASSION-BASED BUSINESS WILL CHANGE THE WORLD Being who you are and doing what you love is one of the keys to creating happiness and abundance for you and for the world.

Business as a "Spiritual Discipline"

Alignment leads to enlightenment.

It is time to integrate the needs of our "biological machine" into the needs of our souls. It is time to AWAKEN the higher frequency of our LOVE, WILL, and WISDOM. It is time we start adopting an INTEGRATED APPROACH to life and business.

"Business as a spiritual discipline: A path from egoism to altruism. A journey that starts with "I" and ends with "All"
- Frans Francis

What is Self Actualization?

You are here for a reason.

There is a gift within you and the world needs it.
Are you ready to be of greater service?

There’s a powerful impulse awakening within you and many other around the world. It’s a deep inner yearning to be of greater service and become all that you are capable of being in this life.

I do not know exactly where we are going with this group but I trust I am guided, I trust we are guided and we can do great things together.

Martin Luther King said:
"Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step"

So this is what I am doing. Taking the first step. Would you like to walk with me?

Choose Your Coaching Program



Waiting List

It sounded weird for me to offer sessions online, however, people started asking and I started offering them and we had amazing experiences and results.

Online Sessions are available anywhere in the world via Skype, Zoom, Facebook, etc.

Here what they include:

✓ 15-20 minutes Consultation

✓ Full Symphony Of Being Energy Healing Session (1-2 Hours)

✓ 15-30 minutes Follow Up Session (1-2 weeks after)

✓ Access to Follow Up Resources

✓ Free Access to 3 Group Experiences Online or In Person

✓ Audio Recording of the Session

In Creation


Soul Business Coaching

I offer private sessions where I am at the moment. You can come to my place or I can come to yours. However, before you get a private session I highly recommend you join a minimum of 1 to 3 Group Experiences to get tuned to the frequencies I work with. However, this is a guideline, not a rule.

Here what they include:

✓ 20-30 minutes Consultation

✓ Full Symphony Of Being Energy Healing Session (1.5-2.5 Hours)

✓ 20-30 minutes Follow Up Session (1-2 weeks after)

✓ Access to Follow Up Resources

✓ Free Access to 3 Group Experiences Online or In Person

✓ Audio Recording of the Session

€4997 2997



Waiting List

It sounded weird for me to offer sessions online, however, people started asking and I started offering them and we had amazing experiences and results.

Online Sessions are available anywhere in the world via Skype, Zoom, Facebook, etc.

Here what they include:

✓ 15-20 minutes Consultation

✓ Full Symphony Of Being Energy Healing Session (1-2 Hours)

✓ 15-30 minutes Follow Up Session (1-2 weeks after)

✓ Access to Follow Up Resources

✓ Free Access to 3 Group Experiences Online or In Person

✓ Audio Recording of the Session

In Creation

ADVANCED PROGRAM 12 BiWeekly Sessions

Soul Gift Coaching

SOUL GIFT COACHING™ is my signature coaching program.

A state of the art synthesis of all I have learned in over 10 years working hundreds of people from every walk of life from multi-millionaires and solo-preneurs to mystics and shamans.

This programs consist of 6 MASTER SESSIONS where I am gonna be guiding you to connect with your DIVINE PURPOSE and then empower you to ground it down into a pragmatic way of living and doing business.

I am gonna help you to walk on your path to PASSION, PROFESSION, PROSPERITY and PURPOSE, in the most enlightened and aligned way with the agenda of your Soul. Let's being!

If you wish to apply for this program I offer you a
FREE 20 MINUTES DISCOVERY CALL to help you evaluate if this is right for you.

€6997€ 4997

 WhatsApp / Telegram: +66 96 720 05 63

Some Numbers About Frans

Numbers are not all that matter. It is your heart that makes the difference, however, if you want some facts, here they are:


Minutes Of Watchtime on Youtube
(italian channel)


Countries Where I Held Courses and Workshops


Clients and Students Around the World


Years Of Experience

They say about Frans

In over 12 years of service in the fields of personal growth, holistic disciplines and conscious business Frans has earned the esteem and affection of people of all kinds, from mystics to millionaires, in all corners of the world.

Eliza Atsma

"After I did the class with you, I seemed to kick into gear and I took some action and  WITHIN 24 HOURS I had money coming in from FOUR different directions!"

Maurizio Pirero

"We hired many professionals without ever achieving real results. With Frans we SOLD our courses in 1 MONTH!"

Ilaria Cusano

""Thanks to Frans! I DOUBLED MY EARNINGS in 90 days and I TRIPLE THEM in just 6 months!

Giuseppe Adamo

"What Frans does is very rarely seen in the world. I can say from the bottom of my heart that I had one of the most beautiful experiences of my life: I truly felt my soul."

Deborah Oppicelli

"Thanks to Frans I was able to create my business online and in ONLY 3 MONTHS and I SOLD MY COURSE even before I finished creating it! "

Alina Rösken

"3 months after my session I still feel waves of energy running through me. Frans helped me integrate my Inner Goddess into my life and abandon myself to Universal Love. "

They say about Frans

In over 12 years of service in the fields of personal growth, holistic disciplines and conscious business Frans has earned the esteem and affection of people of all kinds, from mystics to millionaires, in all corners of the world.

Giuseppe Adamo

"What Frans does is very rarely seen in the world. I can say from the bottom of my heart that I had one of the most beautiful experiences of my life: I truly felt my soul."

Giulia Prandini

"Frans has such a delicacy that he enters your soul on tiptoe, knocks on the door of your heart and floods you with pure Love, making you experience the connection with the Whole."

Alina Rösken

"3 months after my session I still feel waves of energy running through me. Frans helped me integrate my Inner Goddess into my life and abandon myself to Universal Love. "

Maurizio Pirero

"We hired many professionals without ever achieving real results. With Frans we SOLD our courses in 1 MONTH!"

Deborah Oppicelli

"Thanks to Frans I was able to create my business online and in ONLY 3 MONTHS and I SOLD MY COURSE even before I finished creating it! "

P R O F E S S I O N A L   0 2
Ilaria Cusano

"Thanks to Frans I DOUBLED MY EARNINGS in 90 days and I TRIPLE THEM in just 6 months!


What Makes me A GREAT MENTOR?

Besides my 12 years of full-time experience* in the fields of personal development, holistic disciplines, conscious business, and spirituality.

It seems that I have an 
"unfair advantage" and some inborn talents and abilities that make me an outstanding coach, consultant, and mentor.

In my journey of exploration of the human potential, I came across
3 powerful personality type systems that I highly recommend to all of my clients and students to accelerate their evolution and success.

These systems are:

- The 16 Personality Types from "Mayer-Briggs"

- The Human Design / Gene Keys System

- The Enneagram

What you will probably find interesting is that according to all of these 3 highly revered models I am
"the perfect archetype of the guide, leader, mentor, and coach".

Below you will find a brief summary of my personality type according to these 3 models so you can better get to know me and decide if I can be your coach and mentor.

My "Rare" Personality Type: ENFJ - Diplomatic Teacher

According to the "Myers-Briggs" model, there are 16 main personality types. I happen to be what is called a PROTAGONIST and DIPLOMATIC TEACHER (ENFJ Profile). This is one of the rarest types with only 2% of the population belonging to this category.

Made by a mix of extroverted and introverted abilities we are great coaches, leaders, and teachers.

Below you can find a short video and description of my personality type so you will be able to know me better and understand how working with me, might be beneficial to you.

Moreover, by working with me I will help you to discover your own personality type and to develop it to its full potential. 

What it Means to be the ENFJ Personality Type?

Protagonists (ENFJs) feel called to serve a greater purpose in life. Thoughtful and idealistic, these personality types strive to have a positive impact on other people and the world around them. They rarely shy away from an opportunity to do the right thing, even when doing so is far from easy.

"Few things bring Protagonists a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment than guiding friends and loved ones to grow into their best selves"

Warm, altruistic, magnetic, persuasive and talkative, the ENFJ personality is an extrovert who oozes charisma and social savvy from their pores. With an estimated population of around 2 to 3%, the ENFJ is also one of the rarer mbti types.

Despite their relatively small numbers however, ENFJs have the capacity to influence and impact the world in a big way. They are idealists with a love of people and a desire to provide help, support and enlightenment.

ENFJ enjoy social novelty and engage with others in creative and unusual ways. They are mystical and perceptive readers of people, able to understand them using their empathy and broad perspective.

Protagonists are born leaders, which explains why these personalities can be found among many notable politicians, coaches, and teachers.

Their passion and charisma allow them to inspire others not just in their careers but in every arena of their lives, including their relationships.

My Coaching  Experiences

Some Of My Training and Experiences

Since I was 19 years old I have been learning and working FULL-TIME (literally, I have never done anything else) in the fields of personal development, holistic disciplines, spirituality and conscious business creation.

I have learned what I have learne not so much from books and courses but from REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES. However below some of the most relevant trainings and experiences I have been attending. 

> Strategic Intervention Life Coaching - Core 100™ Training by Tony Robbins & Cloe Madanes

> High-Performance Coaching™ with Brendon Burchard

> Omega Healing™ & Deep Trance Coaching with Dr. Roy Martina

> MTB Training with Dr. Pierfrancesco Maria Rovere

> Teen-Coach at Younite™

> Human Design Training and MBTI (Self-Thought)

"We are earth people on a spiritual journey to the stars. Our quest, our earth walk, is to look within, to know who we are, to see that we are connected to all things, and that there is no separation, only in the mind."
~ Lakota Seer

Coming soon...

A New Type Of Leader for Humanity: The Human Design "Projector"

Coming Soon...

What is a "Projector"?

Warm, altruistic, magnetic, persuasive and talkative, the ENFJ personality is an extrovert who oozes charisma and social savvy from their pores. With an estimated population of around 2 to 3%, the ENFJ is also one of the rarer mbti types.

Despite their relatively small numbers however, ENFJs have the capacity to influence and impact the world in a big way. They are idealists with a love of people and a desire to provide help, support and enlightenment.

ENFJ enjoy social novelty and engage with others in creative and unusual ways. They are mystical and perceptive readers of people, able to understand them using their empathy and broad perspective.

Protagonists are born leaders, which explains why these personalities can be found among many notable politicians, coaches, and teachers.

Their passion and charisma allow them to inspire others not just in their careers but in every arena of their lives, including their relationships.

"Few things bring Protagonists a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment than guiding friends and loved ones to grow into their best selves"

Coming soon...

The Success-Oriented, Pragmatic Type:
Enneagram Type Three: "The Achiever"

Coming Soon...

What does it mean to be an "Achiever" in the Enneagram?

Warm, altruistic, magnetic, persuasive and talkative, the ENFJ personality is an extrovert who oozes charisma and social savvy from their pores. With an estimated population of around 2 to 3%, the ENFJ is also one of the rarer mbti types.

Despite their relatively small numbers however, ENFJs have the capacity to influence and impact the world in a big way. They are idealists with a love of people and a desire to provide help, support and enlightenment.

ENFJ enjoy social novelty and engage with others in creative and unusual ways. They are mystical and perceptive readers of people, able to understand them using their empathy and broad perspective.

Protagonists are born leaders, which explains why these personalities can be found among many notable politicians, coaches, and teachers.

Their passion and charisma allow them to inspire others not just in their careers but in every arena of their lives, including their relationships.

"Few things bring Protagonists a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment than guiding friends and loved ones to grow into their best selves"

Frans clients have been seen on:

 6714+ followers on Instagram 5860+ subscribers on YouTube
 3291+ followers on Facebook

Iscriviti al mio Canale Youtube per avere gratis strategie e ispirazione!

"I empower people to share their gifts with the world 
 - Frans Francis


How To CREATE and SELL Your Course or Coaching Programs!

Join my FREE MASTERCLASS and get my 9 STEPS MASTERPLAN to create and sell your courses or coaching program without stress or tech overwhelm!


✔ Ricevi un VIDEO + REPORT GRATUITO per evolverti nell'area della vita selezionata.
Possibilità di fare un SESSIONE STRATEGICA con me.

 6714+ followers on Instagram 5860+ subscribers on YouTube
 3291+ followers on Facebook

Iscriviti al mio Canale Youtube per avere gratis strategie e ispirazione!

Guadagna 3.000 - 20.000€ al Mese, Creando e Vendendo il Tuo Corso o Programma di Coaching, in 90 GIORNI!

+ Lezioni dal Vivo Online con Frans Francis
Strategist & Soul Business Coach

NUOVI MasterPlan + Video Lezione Rivelano:

 Sei un Autore, Coach, Consulente, Terapista, Esperto, Influencer, Imprenditore Digitale, "Creatore Consapevole" o aspirante?